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Tuesday 4 May 2010

Hisham tries to cover up Aminulrasyid’s death, misunderstands ‘prejudice’

By Nathaniel Tan,

Sigh, this Hisham:
He said the death of Aminulrasyid Amzah, 14, on Monday should not have been extensively discussed by the public and it had created prejudice towards the police.
“People are angry when a member of public is shot but the same can’t be said when police are shot. They have no sympathy at all. Is there a difference between the life of the public and police officer?”
Let me answer part 1: there is no difference.
The lost of life of any Malaysian, or any human being for that matter, is to be mourned by all.
Let me also answer part 2: of course there is a difference!
If, God forbid, a policeman is shot by a criminal in the line of duty, we can say: what a brave policeman – an example for all Malaysians, whose family must be cared for and memory forever cherished and honored; and what a horrible criminal, who must be brought to justice.
But what if a policeman shoots someone innocent without proper justification? Then, sadly, the policeman has become the criminal.
Prejudice = pre-judging, ie judging without any basis. But if there has indeed been a wrongful extrajudicial killing, then the judice is not pre, it is post!!
And yes, I bet Hisham and the rest of BN would just loooooooove it if Malaysians never discussed any crimes that might create ‘prejudice’, like oh I don’t know – submarine deals, keris waving, missing jet engines, PKFZ, and Mongolians exploding in the jungle.
Well, Mr. Home Minister, Malaysians will no longer stay silent. I know you have to ‘protect’ the cops who you abuse to protect yourself, but you will not stop the voices that clamour for justice – and a future for our children that does not include getting shot at by cops for no reason.

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