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Wednesday 7 April 2010

UMNO RM 2.44 billion overseas and local scholarships for 12,000 students.,0.1% for Indians. Make public PSD Scholarship List

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Utusan Malaysia in their headlines today (6/4/10) reported that the government is offering RM 2.44 billion for 12,000 high achieving students, ie., RM 1.2 billion for 1,500 SPM students to do first degrees overseas and RM 42.4 million for the preparatory course.

And RM 1.2 billion for high achieving students for degree programmes locally. Including 1,900 top students to study at branch campuses of the University of Nottingham, Monash University, Swinburne University of Technology and Curtin University of Technology.

In all the previous years the UMNO government has refused to make public the scholarship list. Last year at about this same time after the almost yearly public outcry that non Malays did not get these PSD scholarships, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz stated publicly and in Parliament that the (UMNO) government would not make public the PSD scholarship list. Instead he gladly announced that the Bumiputeras were granted 55% and the non Bumiputeras 45%. In the absence of transparency our estimate is that only 0.1% of these PSD scholarships were awarded to the Malaysian Indians however deserving or academically qualified they are.

The real figures would never be known and would become Official Secrets and UMNO has actually got away scot free for 53 long years.

Indians lumped with economically far superior Chinese

Even if 45% of these scholarships were given to the non Malays, yet again for political expediency purposes the Indians are categorized and are to compete with the economically far superior Chinese community.

The net effect of this would mean that the poor Indians would not have benefitted from this government affirmative action plans for poor Malaysians poor Malays, poor orang asli, Iban and Kadazan to get to benefit from the UMNO government’s affirmative action plans.

Yet again 99.9% of the poor Indians are excluded from this RM 2.44 billion Public Services Department scholarships vis a vis the RM 191.5 billion 2010 national budget. UMNO very successfully implements their racist, religious extremist and supremacist agenda vide their 1,016,799 (UM (B) 21/6/09 at page 19) Bito Tatanegara racist “graduates” who are mostly in the civil service.

Even the supposedly “multi-racial” Opposition parties PKR, DAP and PAS leadership would not speak up against these injustices.

Thus the critical Indian problems today especially as per our “Human Rights Violations Against the Ethnic Minority Malaysian Indians. HRP Briefing for

foreign and diplomatic missions in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 26/3/2010”.

P. Uthayakumar
UMNO 2.44 umno 2.44 2 umno 2.44 3

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