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Wednesday 7 April 2010

DAP Penang: 56 years for all 28 Tamil school land! Fanfare at world’s only basement primary school to six classrooms on 0.9 hectre land!

lim guan eng
DAP Penang: 56 years for all 28 Tamil school land! Fanfare at world’s only basement primary school to six classrooms on 0.9 hectre land!

Why go far. Even the Penang DAP government has caught up with this spillover effect of UMNOs’ racist policies. Last week (Malaysiakini 1/4/10) The Assad Tamil school the world’s only basement primary school was “liberated” by the Penang DAP by alienating a mere 0.9 hectare land and again like in the colonial days only a six classroom school is to be built. At least the colonial masters were not so cruel so as to deprieve children from a school field. Almost all Tamil schools built during the colonial era had a football field as they knew that children had to play.

But in the 0.9 hectares by this DAP state government, where is the school field and space or room for future expension (refer The Star 6/4/2010 at page N38)? And like the UMNO/MIC system no one has seen the “supposed” freehold title for this permanent Tamil School. From our observation in almost all cases the issue of no freehold land title will only come to light when the developer’s bulldozers come to break up the school the latest and most glaring example being the Kg Buah Pala fiasco.

And for this peanuts, the basic educational needs, the Penang DAP state government made a fanfare out of it.

We have never heard of such fanfare when multi storey and multi million ringgit Malay and Chinese schools are actually opened, the latest example being the opening of the RM120 million ringgit almost all malay muslim students Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) in Trolak, Perak. There was no fanfare. It was opened quietly.

Again the Penang state government DCM II mandore under his Chief Minister Towkay’s instructions had said in the Malaysiakini TV interview on 1/4/10 that it is not as simple as a stroke of the pen as some people (HRP) are suggesting. We suggest he seeks legal counsel on land alienation for public purposes by the state government, as he appears to be ignorant of the laws and rights of the state governments.

In the two over years rule of Penang by the DAP they have “succeeded” in alienating land to one Tamil school! Going by this track record it would take a total of 56 years for all the 28 Tamil school in Penang to be alienated land.

This is how “our very own DAP” that we had helped to bring to power in Penang is treating us, fanfare over 0.9 hectares for one school!

Just look at the majestic Chinese schools all around Penang and this peanut 0.9 hectare Assad Tamil school with a mere six classrooms. Of course going by UMNO’s standards we have to be thankful and grateful to the Penang DAP Chief Minister Towkay and his DCM II Indian mandore because they are getting “us out” of the present world’s only basement Tamil school.


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