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Monday 19 April 2010

Two-faced Najib: The truth on Iran, free speech

By Nathaniel Tan,

I had a very positive experience on nomination day, but more on that soon I hope :) Also hope you’ve enjoyed guest bloggers like John.

Today, want to talk about how Najib speak with forked tongue. Let’s try to get to the bottom of this Iran issue.

The issue again is whether Malaysia decided to cut off gasoline supplies to Iran, or whether Iran simply stopped requesting gasoline.

Quite frankly, either Najib or the reporters are lying – and this is very easy to demonstrate. Now:

The prime minister said Petronas was involved in a spot sale to Iran in mid March under a third party deal but since then there had been no requests.”It is not correct, it was not a decison taken by Petronas per se. It involved a spot sale and there was no requirement anymore, so they don’t do it (anymore),” he told Malaysian reporters on Friday.

Ah, but what do the more reliable foreign press have on record?

Najib said the gasoline supplies suspension was decided by Petronas after consultations with his government.

So? I think it’s clear the PM has contradicted himself in most glaring terms.

To one audience he tries to suck up shamelessly to American interests and foreign policy, while back hone he denies cutting off gas to a prominent Muslim nation.

I think few are surprisedlah, given Najib’s total lack of principles.

The other thing Najib totally lacks is originality.

In his speech titled “A New Vision for Malaysia”, the Prime Minister made clear that he was not opposed to dissent or opposition because he believed legitimate views deserved to be heard.

Wow. The title of his speech is only one (insignificant) word different from PKR’s 2008 campaign slogan: A New Dawn for Malaysia.

Does he really have to steal *everything* from Pakatan? :|

And not opposed to dissent? Remember the speech Najib’s administration prepared for the DYMM Agong? The China Press scandal regarding the IGP?

Oh wait, as my friend just reminded me, I needn’t go far to find examples – what about Where is Justice?? Mr. Najib’s government is still holding all my books that he confiscated, and intimidating bookstores, causing me considerable financial losses.

A real snake this guy, a real snake.

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