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Wednesday 16 December 2009

Rosmah unperturbed by wild allegations

SINGAPORE, Dec 15 — Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is unperturbed by the many bad and wild allegations hurled against her by hostile parties.

She said, as the prime minister’s wife, she was more focused in her work to help the people get a better life and future.

“I don’t have time to entertain them,” she told the Malaysian media at a press conference here today, when asked about how she felt about the negative allegations.

Rosmah said she, and even her husband, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, were not distracted or very particular by the allegations as they were focused in their work.

She said when she met several foreign first ladies, they told her that they too, had become the target of opposing political parties.

“So, this issue is a universal culture, coming from people who are not happy with the government,” said Rosmah, adding that such allegations would be more blatant when the country was nearing an election.

Rosmah was here to attend the Asean Women Leaders Forum where she gave a keynote address on women leadership in the new era. — Bernama

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