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Wednesday 16 December 2009

Anwar’s PKR Kedah Indian mandore abetting Hindu crematorium demolishment

The Batu Pekaka Kuala Ketil Hindu crematorium is a part of the history and heritage of the Kedah Indians. But now PKR Chief Anwar Ibrahim is using this Kedah Indian EXCO Mandore to divert attention away from this issue and to divide the local Indian community just to wipe out this last piece of history of Kuala Ketil estate.

Now this Anwar Ibrahim’s PKR Indian EXCO mandore gathers half a dozen or so cronies and declares that this matter has been resolved by the peanuts payments of RM 3, 000.00 per burial plot (Malaysia Nanban 14/12/2009 at page 3). This is exactly what the previous UMNOs’ MIC mandores used to do for 50 long years.

Why is it that it is always the Indian and Hindu structures namely Hindu temples, Hindu crematoriums, Tamil schools and Indian settlements that is demolished, to be demolished, relocated or to be relocated which is reported on an almost daily basis in the three Tamil newspapers. But we do not hear of one Muslim or Chinese burial ground being threatened like this in Kedah, the other P.R. states of Penang, Perak (ealier), Selangor or anywhere else in Malaysia.

Why is it always the Indian/ Hindu structures that is being targeted? And it is always the PKR, PAS, DAP and MIC Indian mandores and not their “Tuan” Menteri Besars or “ Towkay” Chief Minister that addresses the issue. This is so that the Indians would end up fighting with another Indian ie these Indian mandores and their “Tuans” and “Towkays” get away scot free. It is plain and obvious that UMNOs’ racist, religious extremist and supremacist policies has had a spill over effect on PKR, DAP and PAS.

How then is PKR, PAS and DAP any different from the 50 year rule by the UMNO regime?

P. Uthayakumar.


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