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Friday 13 February 2009

PM Wants JPA To Make Dynamic Changes

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 12 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi urged the Public Service Department (PSD) to make dynamic changes, not only to its policy, but also in terms of services rendered to the public.

The Prime Minister said the PSD cannot remain contended but rather must start innovative and creative ways to enhance the quality of services and delivery system in line with the needs of the rakyat.

He added that the process of shoddy work and non-friendly services to the public must be reviewed and improved so that such services will become client oriented and friendly.

The requirement, challenges and needs of today have changed drastically and are far more different from the challenges faced 75 years ago because we have a more learned society with high expectations for quality, effective and prompt services.

"Globalisation also requires a country to be competitive and the private sector expects the PSD to provide a conducive business environment to remain competitive," he said after launching JPA's 75-year Diamond anniversary celebrations at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) here today.

Abdullah also launched a book titled "Kuasa Tak Ketara, Pengaruh Tak Diheboh" which reflected the contributions made by former PSD director generals.

Also present at the ceremony were Melaka Chief Minister Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan and PSD director general Tan Sri Ismail Adam.

The PSD was formed on Aug 22, 1934 in Singapore with the consent of the Malay Rulers and was then called Malayan Establishment Office before moving to Kuala Lumpur in 1954 and known as the Federation Establishment Office.

In 1967, its name was again changed to Establishment Office of Malaysia and on Aug 15, 1968 given the name Public Service Department.

Abdullah said since PSD has a very important role in moulding effective service personnel, its relevance was paramount to the country's success.

He said a PSD personnel must have a recognisable criteria in projecting a public service character that differs from the rest. It would not be suffice to have high qualifications, expertise and knowledge without good governance, human and ethical values in providing public services.

Malaysia's public services are comparatively better than many countries, especially in terms of job opportunities, salary, allowances and bonuses, he said.

As a former PSD staff, Abdullah expressed gratitude to the department for providing comprehensive training which has since become an asset for him in dispensing his duties today.

"I am very happy to be appointed a government officer and placed under PSD which is the best place to be and learn the do's and don'ts of public service" he said.

Abdullah also urged young PSD officers in service, to study the values of their job and responsibilities well and use their term in PSD to provide efficient services to the community and country.

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