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Friday 13 February 2009

The Plight of The Rohingya.


Petaling Jaya, 12th February 2009.

Today we witness once again the unfolding of the consequences of the oppression of men by men. Oppressed peoples have the misfortune of being arbitrarily isolated from their own societies and rendered into minorities by a stroke of the pen in the hands of their erstwhile political overlords, the military junta.

The Muslims of Rohingnya are stark reminders of this unfortunate twist of historical fate.

With their plight ignored and their pleas for help falling on deaf ears, the Rohingya Muslims brave the high seas in search of a new tomorrow. The doors of Myanmar, their own homeland, are shut on them, the harbours are closed and their women are raped.

On this occasion, let us step back and reflect on the suffering of Rohingya. We call on the powers that be to take quick and decisive action to help alleviate their plight. Countries in Asean, neighbours of Myanmar as well as multilateral institutions can no longer remain oblivious to the humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding before their very eyes.


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