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Saturday 25 October 2008


We refer to the statement by Syed Hamid justifying the HINDRAF ban.

The allegation that HINDRAF is an extremist group and allegedly caused to declare that Malays and Islam are their only enemy is absolutely ridiculous and a blatant lie.

We challenge Syed hamid to prove those speeches were evermade. We know he would not have the courage to do that but would continuously lie to enhance his ailing political career within UMNO. It has always been UMNO’s tactic to raise racial and religious feelings whenever there are problems within UMNO. History of Malaysia and the history of UMNO have proven this.

Each and every HINDRAF gathering and meetings are recorded and kept in safe. We knew these and many other dirty and cheap methods would be used by UMNO to demonise and paint an evil picture of HINDRAF and were ready for the negative propaganda campaign especially when the entire state machinery and media are controlled by them.

Recent deliberate negative publicity given by the Malay Dailies controlled by UMNO and mainstream TV3 are expected and we are prepared for worse to come. But nothing can stop our pursuit for justice and democracy.

Syed Hamid is no doubt a racist, extremist and Liar. There is no point asking for his resignation because this man does not have any moral dignity left in him. He would continuously lie and pretend as if he is the serving “justice”.

HINDRAF was never a religious body. It only raises legitimate rights of HINDUS and INDIANS to practise their Religion in peace and quiet under the Federal Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have always maintained we never have any problems with Malays and Muslims but we have serious problems with UMNO, which is a bully, and practises racist and extremist divide and rule policies to survive and maintain its political rule in Malaysia.

P.Waytha Moorthy

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