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Saturday 25 October 2008

Delegation invites PM to flowers and cakes - 11 people arrested, child taken to police station

Malaysia Today, ISA, Arrest, Hindraf, Greeting Card, 6 years old, Memorandum, Crime, Humanity,

(by Nathaniel Tan, was pretty angry to read about the arrest of the delegation to the PM’s office earlier today.

The arrest of a group that included an 11 year old child is infruriating enough.

Once again, the simple question was: were these guys doing anything rowdy? Illegal? Threatening national security?

All they wanted to do was give a letter to the PM. That’s all.

Was it a letter threatening violence? Sending ill will?


Contacted on her handphone while waiting for police to record her statement, Shanti said the group had attempted to submit a handwritten letter calling on Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to release all those detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) .

The appeal letter (in Vwaishhnnavi’s handwriting) asked the prime minister to release her uncle, (and other Hindraf leaders as well as) RPK (blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, among other ISA detainees,” said Shanti.

She said that Deepavali would not mean anything to her and all Malaysians, if they are not released.”

Shanti said the letter also included a invitation for Abdullah to attend the family’s ‘open house’ in conjunction with Deepavali.

(Vwaishhnnavi) wrote that she would be waiting with flowers and cakes,” she added.

A small group of 11, with a letter of appeal, and invitation to flowers and cakes.

The response? Arrests.

This government has got to go.

ps- and while millions of Malaysian Indians are facing real problems, the lovable Wong Chun Wai choses to blog about Mahathir and Shah Rukh Khan, sigh..

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