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Monday 18 April 2016

Hindus are not agressive enough

By Mohd Firdaus

Today i want to be like Zakir Naik.

But i am not going to make comparision but rather i am going to whack Hindus directly. So if you are not happy, go and report me. I dont care. I speak what i want and i dont fear anyone except GOD.

Hindus are not agressive enough .

They believe in their scriptures and they pray accordingly. They dont preach to others neither do they claim theirs is the only true religion. They dont talk about salvation. They welcome anyone who want to join them and they dont stop anyone who wants to leave. They respect everyone's GOD and religion and some even have multiple GOD statues of other religions in their home.

They pass a temple, they put their hand on the chest as respect. They pass a church also same. They pass a mosque also same. To them, there is only one GOD but in different form. Yes ah?

They dont even tell you what to do and what not to do. Always its between you and GOD. The best part is they say Hinduism is not a religion but its a way of life. They dont even condemn and insult other religion unless someone insult theirs.

But maybe, they dont have to be aggressive right.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its not part of Hinduism to be aggresive when the focus is to learn to love yourself and along the way others as well in the journey called life.