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Wednesday 14 May 2014

Poser over appointment of Zahid’s aide in MIC

A party leader suspects Palanivel and the Home Minister have struck a deal to prevent fresh polls.

PETALING JAYA: Is Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi meddling in MIC affairs?

This question was posed today by a party official in connection with

President G Palanivel’s objection to holding fresh party elections in the light of allegations of rigging in the last polls.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the MIC Central Working Committee (CWC) member alleged that hidden hands were protecting Palanivel from being hauled up by the Registrar of Societies (ROS).

He noted that S Kumar, whom Palanivel recently appointed to the CWC, is an aide of Zahid.

“In the CWC meeting last week, when Palanivel introduced Kumar as a new CWC member, he said the appointment was at the behest of Zahid,” the source told FMT.

“What right does an Umno leader have to make such request? And why is Palanivel acceding to it? Kumar is just an unpopular MIC branch leader from Selayang.”

He speculated that Palanivel might have struck a deal with Zahid whereby Kumar would take a CWC seat in return for promising to back him in case of pressure to call for fresh party polls.

“I believe Kumar is here to protect Palanivel from being pressured to rectify the irregularities in the party polls held last year,” the source said.
Kumar has rejected the allegation, telling FMT he had nothing to do with the Home Ministry.

“Yes, I am Zahid’s officer but I only help him to address Indian issues affecting his parliamentary constituency, Bagan Datoh,” he said. “I’m not involved with the Home Ministry.”

MIC held its polls late last year. Several leaders have alleged that there were irregularities and have sought redress from ROS, which is an agency of the Home Ministry .

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