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Monday 6 May 2013

Waytha spreading lies about my kidney transplant

From Jayathas Sirkunavelu, via e-mail

It’s time for me to explain about my kidney transplant because Waythamoothy’s team is spreading lies and misleading the community.

Firstly, I must reiterate that I’ve never forgotten all the assistance, help and donations given by kind hearts for my kidney transplant.

At the time of my Kidney Transplant Fundraising Dinner in 2009, I was Hindraf coordinator, Keadilan Melaka state deputy chairman & Keadilan national youth exco.

Waythamoorthy’s team are lying that RM80,000 was collected. The actual amount received was RM73,000 and it came from both Hindraf and PR supporters.

Allow me to identify Mr KM Raj the person in charge of organising the event and helping me to find a kidney donor (blood group A positive) for me.

In 2011, Mr KM Raj managed to find a Malaysian donor and we made the necessary paperwork then (KM Raj, the donor, my mother and I), we travelled to Global Hospital, Chennai, India.

I was hoping that I’ll be living a normal life and I’ll be able to contribute more to the community.

The kidney donor I went through 11 tests, the last of which I failed because one of my arteries was 80% blocked, and the transplant could only take place when the block is cleared.

So I had no choice but to return to Malaysia and on Oct 10, 2011, I went for my bypass at Institut Jantung Negara.

When I stayed more than a month in India it has cost me almost RM30,000, including flight tickets for 4 pax, 3 times dialysis per week, apartment rental, food and ground transportation.

In Malaysia, after my bypass, I continued my dialysis three times a week. The balance I have in hand is RM30,000 and it is in fixed deposit.

The past eight months, I did my cardiac tests and the doctors said that my health is good and I’m able to do the transplant now.

After that I called my donor and informed him that we can go ahead with the transplant, but the donor had changed his mind.

KM Raj also tried talking to the donor but to no avail. I’m still looking for a donor blood group “A positive” so that I finally perform my transplant.

I have not used the money for any other lavish activities but merely all for my health expenses. I hope the community will understand my situation.

Till to date, I’m still undergoing dialysis three days a week with a weak body and am still fighting for justice and the betterment of our community.

I have never let down anyone till today and remain steadfast in my cause for a better, just, fair and Malaysia.

The writer is Hindraf interim management committee chairman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You HINDRAF fellows ....
May 6, 2013 at 7:12 AM

Why are you so much worked up?