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Friday 12 April 2013

LAHAD DATU:Nine linked to Sulu intruders nabbed in Beluran

The New Straits Times
by Kristy Inus

KOTA KINABALU: Police arrested seven men and two women at two separate locations in Beluran, believed to be linked to the armed Sulu gunmen.
Among those arrested were seven foreigners, including a woman.

Sabah police chief Datuk Hamza Taib said the raids were on Tuesday night and yesterday morning, without disclosing specific locations.
"We suspect they have information involving the Sulu gunmen from southern Philippines, and investigations are now being carried out under Section 4 (1) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012. 
"They are detained at the Sandakan police station and if there is enough evidence, they will be charged soon,” said Hamza.
He added during the arrests, some of them were found to have documents, and about RM1,500. Police also seized several machetes.

"This is something new. Previously the arrests were in Lahad Datu, Tawau, Sandakan and other districts. Beluran is also a district under Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (Esszone)," said Hamza.
He said while 235 armed intruders have been identified since the Feb 12 intrusion at Kampung Tanduo, security forces continues to nab the sympathisers and informants of the armed intruders.
"They could be anywhere in Sabah, not only at ground zero. 
"To date, 181 individuals have been arrested under SOSMA and 334 under other offences," he added.
On another development, he said 17 bodies of the gunmen who were killed during gun battles with security forces, were buried yesterday at several undisclosed locations.
Hamza said they were accorded proper Islamic burial rites.

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