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Thursday 6 December 2012

Global Media Conceals Fact that Football Players Who Beat Dutch Referee to Death were Moroccans

The story about a referee being beaten to death by players of a Dutch youth club went round the world. Here's a typical example from the Guardian.

Richard Nieuwenhuizen was doing what he loved: watching his son play football and helping out his local club by running the touchline as a volunteer linesman.

On Monday the 41-year-old father's passion for football cost him his life.

Prosecutors announced on Tuesday they were charging three players, two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old, with manslaughter, assault and public violence for alleged involvement in a vicious attack on Nieuwenhuizen after a youth match between two local clubs, Buitenboys and Nieuw Sloten. The players, whose identities were not released, will be arraigned on Thursday at a closed-door hearing.

Prosecutors say a group of Nieuw Sloten players surrounded Nieuwenhuizen and kicked and punched him after the match against his son's team on Sunday . Nieuwenhuizen went home to lie down, and returned later to watch another game, where he collapsed and was rushed to hospital. He died the next day.

Prosecutors released no details of a possible motive and the Buitenboys club chairman, Marcel Oost, said the reason for the attack was not certain.

"We still don't have a clear picture yet," prosecution spokeswoman Brigit Haan told Associated Press.
Source: Guardian

Almost all reports left out one important fact however: the perpetrators were Moroccans.

This fact was mentioned by the German newspaper Tagesspiegel, referencing a report in a Dutch newspaper.
That the attackers who have been arrested were three Moroccans, according to the "Algemeen Dagblad", certainly does not make the case any easier. According to an Interior Ministry report from November 2011, 40 per cent of all Moroccan immigrants aged between 12 and 24 were arrested, sentenced or charged within the last five yearss. In city districts where people of Moroccan descent form a majority of the inhabitants, youth criminality already reaches 50 per cent.

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