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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Who’s Hee? Get to know your MP

A little under 2 weeks ago, I was invited to join a meeting of a group of PJ Selatan voters who wanted to initiate an effort get to know more about our sitting MP, Yang Berkhdmat Hee Loy Sian.

I have long been in favour of citizens taking responsibility for what happens in this country.

Taking ownership of their constituency and its electoral process is, in my view, a positive step in that direction.

This effort by this group, I felt, was just the sort of thing we need to get the voters of PJ Selatan to step up and do the right thing.

I attended that meeting.

A second meeting followed a few nights ago.

What has since followed illustrates how a few good people coming together can achieve so much.

People Power!

Representatives from this group have secured a first meeting with YB Hee this 30th March.

Good on you, YB.

Amongst other things, they will be discussing with the parliamentarian a forthcoming town hall-style meeting between the MP and PJ Selatan registered voters.

A facebook group, ’105 – Petaling Jaya Selatan voters’, has been created, to help outreach to as many PJ Selatanites who might be keen to get involved in this initiative.

And for those who might not be in facebook, there is an email address to which you might send your inquiries.

In 2007, a group of PJ Selatanites started a ‘PJ Selatan get to know your MP’ initiative.

Then, of course, Donald Lim, was the MP.

We had fun with him, didn’t we, PJ Selatanites?

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