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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Najib with his ‘Nathekai’ (Dirty hand) in Thaipusam

By Saravanan

Each year millions of people going to Batu Caves, Penang Thanir Malai temple and many other Murugan temple to celebrate Thaipusam. Most of us going for the festival for the prayers beside shopping and sightseeing, the moment we talk about Thaipusam Kavadi Attam a dance performed by the devotees during the ceremonial worship of murugan is the one will come to our mind but do you know 80% of the devotees who going for Thaipusam donating in formed of gold, cash and archanai (offerings) to Lord Muruga?

What is puzzling my mind is what happens to all the gold and cash donated by the devotees? The donated cash and gold last seen will be brought to the Mariaman Temple via cargo container for the final counting but the management never once revealed to the public on the total collection. How much is the total collection? The gold value?

I would like to bring to everyone attention even the second richest temple in the world Thirupathi declared all the donation.

As an ordinary Malaysian Indian and citizen of this country who always attended and perfom my prayers during Thaipusam celebration would like to know how much the total collection and how the cash collected on behalf of GOD Murugan has been utilized? Why the fund was not use to assist our poor Indian university students, Tamil school or helping to upgrade our Indian community in term of financially or economically?

How much does the government of Malaysia who ruled by the richest political party in the world UMNO gets in form of tax from our Indian festival?

I believed Many of us are not aware the real reason or the meaning of Thaipiusam. Why the Hindu sangam and Temple committees not taking any initiatives to educate the public about the festival and set some form of guideline which I think will help us to understand the purpose of the festival and many more.

My sincere suggestion to the relevant party that the donation collected during the festival can also be channel to the religious education which is already in a danger zone among our Indian community in Malaysia. This also will help to reduce our community from convert to Muslim, which I believe due to lack of knowledge in Hinduism.

Anyhow UMNO is succeeding in their marginalizing agenda when MIC, Temple management, Hindu Sanggam and many other NGO, s who support BN government did not take any action to curb the corruption in all levels include the temple donation money.

Our beloved Prime minister Najib was garland with the most expensive MALAI, which estimated RM 4000.00 by the temple management and MIC. Why so much of money wasted in the MALAI when there’re many Indian are suffering out there. Do you think UMNO or any other Muslims festival will give you that kind of expensive garland to our Indian leaders in their festival?

I scratch your back and you scratch mine. I keep quiet when you take people’s money from the temple and you make sure you VOTE Barisan Nasional so that we can continue do Nathekai job (dirty job) for Indian community.

Hi friends please ask your self why should we Indians give the honor to PM Najib when he fails to help Indians: -
1.No special allocation for our Indian community to improve our social economy in yearly Budget
2.UMNO killing Indians in prison and police lock up
3.PM Najib has no guts to stop our Indian converting to Muslim
4.UMNO cannot stop temple breaking or gazetted any land for Hindu temples.
5.More than 150000 Indians in Malaysia are having red IC or even without birth certificate.
6.Tamil schools have not properly facilities under Barisan Government.
7.Many Indians in Malaysia are financially strained due to their ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ policy.
8.UMNO treat other Indian collusion party as low class or younger brother.
9.UMNO is not gazetted any permanent land for Indian residential area.
10. UMNO using gangsters like Perkasa, Pekida and Tiga line for threaten the Indian society.

All the above reasons will not allow Indians to give their Nambikai to PM Najib but he is just putting is Nathekai in Malaysian Indians life.

The temple committee and MIC should immediately STOP inviting any UMNO leaders to our Temple and Festival because this people have no respect for our Indian community. Ask yourself, MIC leader have ever UMNO leaders invited to their mosque?

Indian friends please join hand with me to request the Temple Management to declare the Hundial Money and Gold collected during the festival and put all the pressure to STOP them from inviting UMNO leaders for any of our festival.

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