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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Israeli Doctors Save Gaza Girl’s Life, Raise Funds for Further Treatment

'Apes and Pigs'? Abir Abu Nakira, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl from Rafah with the israeli medical team who have saved her life - and raising fund for further treatment for her
'Apes and Pigs'? Abir Abu Nakira, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl from Rafah with the israeli medical team who have saved her life - and raising fund for further treatment for her 

We’re sure that sometimes, ordinary Arabs must wish the whole of the Middle East was run by the Jews:
The life of a 17-year-old Palestinian girl from Rafah in Gaza was saved by Kaplan Medical Centre doctors after she fell from a malfunctioning ferris wheel near her home and was critically injured.
Three months after the accident, she is out of danger, but her doctors are trying to collect funds to enable her to undergo abroad a small-intestine transplant, which is unavailable here.
“I wish for peace between us and Israel,” Abir Abu-Nakira said. “Kaplan physicians saved me.”
Dr. Yoram Klein, director of the trauma and urgent surgery department in the Rehovot hospital, said Abir was brought to Kaplan after being held for four hours in a Palestinian Authority hospital, but the staff couldn’t save her. She was unconscious with severe abdominal injuries, requiring surgeons to perform several lifesaving operations.
In recent days, her condition stabilised, but she still requires a long period of hospitalisation. Her small intestine was severely damaged from the fall and is fed by a special tube attached to a vein in a technique unavailable in Palestinian Authority hospitals. A TV set was brought to her bedside to keep her occupied.
Klein said the hospital found an Arabic-speaking teacher who will work with her, and soon, teachers from Ramle will come to Kaplan to help Abir progress in her studies. Family members received permits to enter Israel from Gaza, with help from the hospital.
“Dr. Klein is my angel. He is much more than a doctor; he supports and strengthens me Abir Abu-Nakira
This is not a one-off, either. Thousands of ‘Palestinians’ are treated in Israel, usually without cost or fanfare. Their families are regularly allowed into Israel to accompany or visit them.
As Abu Mazen and the PA tries to shoplift statehood from the gullible UN, without the hard work of actually negotiating for peace – and while they the thugs of Hamas squander the billions they get in aid from the impressonable dhimmis that ‘lead’ the West on terrorism and hate propaganda aimed at the Jewish ‘apes and pigs’, Israel is quietly showing ordinary Gazans and those from Judea and Samaria the humanity, hard work, education and accomplishment required to do in order to actually become a real state – not a failed Islamic terrorist kleptocracy.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Mafia comprised of the PA and Hamas use Western money (your money) to pay monthly salaries to those that kill and maim Israelis – and fete these criminals and terrorists as heroes on children’s TV shows.
They call for nothing less than the annihilation of the Jewish State in their constitutions.
Against daily this background of indoctrination, racist hatred and incitement – we feel sure that ordinary people in Gaza such as Abir Abu-Nakira and her grateful family surely cannot help but compare and contrast.
Full story at the Jerusalem Post

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