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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Dewan Negara Adjourned, 17 Bills Passed

KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 (Bernama) -- The Dewan Negara was adjourned sine die after sitting for six days from July 4, during which 17 Bills were passed.

During the six-day session, the senate passed 17 Bills, including the National Wages Consultative Council Bill 2011, was debated.

Among other Bills passed were the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services Bill 2010; Kootu Funds (Prohibition) (Amendment) Bill 2011; Co-operative College (Incorporation)(Amendment) Bill 2010; Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (Incorporation) (Amendment) Bill 2011).

Promotion of Investments (Amendment) Bill 2011; Supplementary Supply (2011) Bill 2011; National Sports Institute Bill 2011; Judges Remuneration (Amendment) Bill 2011; Trade Descriptions Bill 2011; Petroleum (Income Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2011).

Securities Commission (Amendment) Bill 2011; Capital Markets and Services (Amendment) Bill 2011; Money Services Business Bill 2011; International Organizations (Privileges and Immunities) (Amendment) Bill 2011; Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents (Amendment) Bill 2010) and the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia (Amendment) Bill 2011.

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