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Tuesday 12 April 2011

"The (political) tsunami is happening now"

By Anil Netto,

Sometimes it is the little tell-tale signs that say a lot. Like when the pau man in Penang innocently asked me just a few days before GE2008, “Why-ah everyone voting for opposition this time?”
I spoke to a seasoned political analyst in Kuching today and he related to me what a taxi driver there had shared with him.
“It’s time for Taib to go. Definitely Taib should go, Jabu should go and even Abang Jo should go,” said the taxi driver. And this driver said he was a member of the Youth wing of Taib’s PBB!
“The tsunami is happening now,” the analyst. One BN tactic, he said, seems to be to hold small ceramah just two or three doors away from large Pakatan gatherings and make a lot of noise and show a lot of loud videos, all condemning Anwar.” That’s what happened in Semariang.
Still that has not put off the opposition crowds. There were only about a hundred chairs laid out for the Pakatan event, but once Anwar arrived, they were rapidly filled up as those present listened intently to his presentation.
Over at Kampung Boyan, the Pakatan ceramah drew about 1000-2000 mostly younger people. Next door, 20-30 people gathered at a noisy PBB ceramah.
Some 10,000 people gathered at a Pakatan ceramah in Miri a couple of nights ago, while at Batu Kawah, traffic jams leading to opposition ceramahs extended five to eight kilometres, said the analyst.
Yes, something is stirring in Sarawak. 

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