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Monday 6 December 2010

Brief Note on Water Rally

Hardly able to write long blogposts nowadays :(
But I wanted to say perhaps just two main things about today.
Firstly, I must say that despite a hopeful start, I was very disappointed – if not particularly surprised – with the cops.
I can’t say for sure if they did indeed promise us safe passage, but if they did, they certainly reneged.
The very worst was when we were at one point about to disperse.
Just after the speaker said we can now all disperse peacefully, the cops charged the crowd, and started firing the water cannons into the mosque compound.
WTF? are they so hungry for blood that they were like “Eh, they are trying to disperse, let’s show power and crack some skulls before they leave peacefully”
As @youtiup put it: “In advanced countries, police help to make sure your demo is orderly, safe. Over here, well, we aren’t 3rd world for no reason.”
Anyway, the other thing:
Seeing the range of Malaysians gathered today to protest cronyism and corruption of the highest order was really heartening.
I saw old people, young people, Malays, Chinese, Indians and who knows what else – a true cross section of society that has had enough of Syabas, piratisation and the rot of corruption.
Seeing them together, united to try and give back to the people what is rightfully theirs truly gives me hope for Malaysia.
For them and for our children, kita teruskan perjuangan!

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