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Saturday 13 November 2010

A Politicized Self Immolation

by Dinesweri Puspanadan,

Those who familiar with William Hogarth's pieces definitely remember his mind blowing engraving;Satire on False Perspectives.

This engraving carries a mind blowing subtitle;
Whoever makes a DESIGN without the Knowledge of PERSPECTIVE will be liable to such Absurdities as are shewn in this Frontispiece
It is a perfect example of a paradox; statement that consists of two seemingly contradictory ideas which both appear to be true. Definitely both contradictory statements are not true and supposedly only one statement is true while another is the spoiler which degrades the authenticity of a true statement.

The Star;

Illegal temple structures taken down after drawn out discussions

MAN set himself on fire in protest against the demolition of an illegal structure at a temple by the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) at the Puchong Industrial Park yesterday.
The person, identified as Chakara Guna, was sent to the Serdang Hospital for treatment.
A Rela member S. Magen said the man repeatedly doused himself with kerosene and threatened to set himself on fire on different occasions around the area.
Around 9.45am, he pulled the same stunt while holding a cigarette lighter. Suddenly, the wind blew towards him and his kerosene-soaked body accidentally caught fire,” he said.
A meeting was held later in the morning after the incident. It was attended by MIC Youth chief T. Mohan, representatives from MPSJ town planning department and MPSJ councillor Michael Tamilarason.
According to SJK (T) Castlefield, Puchong board of directors chairman Nagamuthu, the issue began four years ago when the land surveyors came and certified that the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple’s store room and toilet were built on school land.
We wanted to apply for a land title in 2007 and a licence survey was conducted.
We had a meeting with representatives from the education department, Land Office, Parent-Teacher Association and the temple.
The temple representatives agreed to demolish the structures when the school needed to utilise the land,” he said.
About six months ago, the school received a RM500,000 grant from the Education Ministry to build two kindergartens.
We wrote to the temple committee members asking them to move out but our request fell on deaf ears.
Last month, we were informed by the ministry that the grants will be withdrawn if we did not identify the land for the kindergartens,” he said.
He added that they sought advice from the police and MPSJ to solve the issue as “the temple representatives were adamant”.
The council put up a notice on Oct 26 that the structures be taken down in a week’s time.
The demolition of the structures was supposed to be done last week but it was only carried out yesterday after requests from several political leaders to postpone it to after Deepavali,” he said.
At the meeting, the temple representatives asked to be given a year to relocate the temple’s toilet and store room but the school representatives declined.
Mohan and Michael were on hand to calm both parties when the discussion turned into a heated argument.
According to Mohan, it was decided the government reserve land next to the temple will be used temporarily until the temple completes the construction of the store room and toilet within the temple grounds.
Nagamuthu said the cost of the demolition and the temporary building will be borne by the school board.
The temple committee adviser could not be contacted for comments at press time.
An excerpt from Malaysiakini on related news
M Alejandran claimed that his brother was only feigning the attempt at self-immolation, and suggested further that he was goaded into carrying out the act by the said individuals.
Who would want to burn himself? My brother was only bluffing,” Alegandran told Malaysiakini when contacted.”
 Some headlines (on the same issue) picked from Human Rights Party's website

Hindu devotee’s self-immolation: Zero multi-racial PKR, DAP and PAS’ permanent solution land titles for all Hindu temples, cemeteries, Tamil schools and Indian village
Despite burning himself in protest, PKR proceeds to demolish Puchong Hindu temple
Mainstream media’s racism refuses coverage of Indian poor man’s self immolation to stop Hindu temple demolishment.
Shouting Match by PKR, DAP and PAS over caning of Chinese pupil, but zero shouting match on self immolation of Chakra Guna to stop the demolishment of the Hindu temple
Did Guna set himself on fire because PR refused to give land to build temple, school, and cemetery or was he merely threatening the people there? Which perspective is true? Is this an authentic sacrifice or a failed heroism?

Like it or not, we cannot run from the fact that some people take advantage of this self immolation to strengthen their political influence.Guna' s self immolation in fact appeared to be accidental as how claimed by his brother but later the news twisted by certain irresponsible parties. If a group of people is fighting for a good cause, then why do they need to twist the truth?

Lets call a spade as spade.

HRP's act to wrap this issue in a blatant context where Muslims are highlighted as 'bad' while Indians portrayed as very 'pitiful' is unacceptable. There was a time; HRP believed to be the Indian community's rescuer but today with their prejudicial statements, they prove that they are no different from MIC which has been bastardizing the community's future.

A weak or bastardized political structure will result in the downfall of a community and that is what exactly the Indian community is experiencing. From the day one MIC has been echoing their call for transformation but up to date, not many changes observed despite their loud speech whereas on the other side, we have Human Rights Party bashing the government, protesting here and there without any proper measure tackle the problems.

To our disappointment, many do not stop to re analyze their thought or decision and Guna's self immolaton is a very good example. Maybe today Guna gained overwhelming support but are these people prepared to take charge of his family if anything happens to him?

Some are trapped in the past where they are still thinking that protest is the only way to solve a problem but mind you,protest should be the final option

The community is at edge of everything where there is no turning back. Its the time for crew on the ship to take charge. Yes, we need to be empowered! If Guna were to be empowered in a good way earlier, he would have understood one thing very clearly;the change should begin from himself. He would have understood that self immolation or protest would not bring him anywhere.

We cant blame these poor people. They are puppets misused by politicians and fueled up by wrong cause just like Guna. Why should we allow ourselves to be fooled by politicians even though we are aware of it? Doing a mistake again and again but hoping for a different result is insanity!

Please be notified that 60 percent crimes belong to our community and we contribute to 14 percent of the population in prisons. Picking a specific statistics In 1994, 128 of the 377 murders committed in Malaysia were by Indians. Under Emergency Ordinance around 5000 Indian youths are detained every year. In the last few months around 300 detained in Selangor alone.

Do you think this could be solved through protest or self immolation?

A kid who is detained under EO will not able to sit for SPM! So, how do you think he could make a living ? Now, that's the beginning of another poverty stricken family.

No one denies that the problem exists but instead tackling the root cause, elected leader are busy organizing vigils, protest, street demonstrations which bring the community no where.

Time to get rid these false perspectives of which our mind is automated to believe for ages! Tell me how long do you think we need to depend on these 'leaders' and be their scapegoats?

Today is Guna! Who is tomorrow? It could be anyone from our family?

Time for us to take charge of the community and leave these people who are pursuing their political agenda aside
I am empowered and already out to empower the people around me. Are you?

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