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Friday 12 November 2010

1. Anak Melayu, anak kita, anak Cina anak kita, anak India pun anak kita. Mengapa harus kita bezakan-Anwar Ibrahim. But only Hindu temples demolished.

Puchong Temple khalid2
11 November 2010
YAB Tan Sri Dato` Seri Abd Khalid Bin Ibrahim Menteri Besar Selangor Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor Tingkat 21,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Fax: 03-55190032
40503 Shah Alam . E-Mail:
1. Anak Melayu, anak kita, anak Cina anak kita, anak India pun anak kita. Mengapa harus kita bezakan-Anwar Ibrahim. But only Hindu temples demolished.
2. Request for copy of 12 Hindu temple land titles allegedly granted by Selangor State Government.
3. Why land titles for all existing Hindu temples in Selangor denied
We refer to the above matter and to the news report in Makkal Osai dated 11/11/10 at page 1 quoting the Selangor state government as having issued land titles to 12 Hindu temples in Selangor since PKR,DAP and PAS taking over power in Selangor on 8/3/2008.
Kindly let us have a copy of the said land titles there in within seven days from the date hereof as vide our previous letter to your goodself dated 14/09/2010 and 30/09/2010(PKR S’gor : No land for all hindu temples, hindu cemetaries and all 98 Tamil schools and Indian settlements. Stop Exco Xavier Jayakumar’s acts of a la MIC mandorism & Selangor PKR Menteri Besar and Exco Xavier cheating Indians.)we have requested for the same but to no avail. And now we ask you for the same yet again.
Vide the very same Tamil Newspaper report your goodselves were quoted to have said that the land title had indeed been issued to the Sri Srinivasa Hindu temple. If this is so why was land title also not issued to the small empty piece of land adjoining the temple which would have served as the temple toilets, dining hall and store and which would have solved this problem at the root and not led to the demolishment of the temple on 9/11/2010 and Chakra Guna’s self immolation on the same day. Why? After all the state of Selangor is a huge hundreds of square kilometers!
Kindly also reply to us as to why the Selangor state government as per their 2008 general election promises has refused to issue land titles to all existing Hindu temples and Hindu cemeteries,98 Tamil schools and all indian villages (but now deemed squatters) all in one go. This would have a domino effect on the DAP and PAS ruled states of Penang and Kedah and thereafter to all the other BN ruled states.
In particular quoting what was said by PKR Supremo Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim ”Anak Melayu, anak kita, anak Cina anak kita, anak India, pun anak kita. Mengapa harus kita bezakan?” (Malaysiakini 10/11/2010)But why are only Hindu temples being demolished?
We once again wish to record our regret at the action of the Selangor state government in directing its Indian Exco Mandore to falsely propaganda “ land here and land there” but with nothing in black white (let alone the land titles simultaneously issued)kosong political propaganda gimmick a la the previous UMNOs’ MIC mandores.
The 2.5 Million Malaysian Indians want a permanent solution to all these long outstanding Hindu temples and Hindu cemeteries, Tamil schools and Indian villages land problem.
We hereby also register our protest on the present practice of peanuts piecemeal kosong politics of “land here and land there” Tamil newspaper propaganda by in particular your goodselves’ Indian Exco mandore.
Kindly revert to us accordingly
Thank You.
Yours Faithfully,
Secretary General(Pro tem)

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