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Tuesday 21 September 2010

S'wak BN ADUN: S'wak govt is like Cambridge/Oxford/Harvard O.O

Via MT:
The Iban community cannot afford to abandon the BN in the coming state election. To do so will mean they will suffer and be left behind, warned state assemblyman Snowdan Lawan.
“We will suffer if we abandon the state Barisan Nasional. This is because the state BN has been in Sarawak for nearly 50 years and has a good track record.
To me the state BN government is just like a university. It is just like Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard… the older they are the more prestigious and famous they become.
“The state BN is not only well known, famous and prestigious, it has a good track record in terms of developing the state,” said the Balai Ringgin representative at a dinner organised by the Siol Kandis branch of the Sarawak Dayak National Union on Saturday.
Lawan urged Ibans not to listen to certain quarters which wanted to introduce new ideas and bring changes to the state.
Er. There are many things I can’t claim to be an expert about. But I think I might be bold enough to say with some certainty that the BN govt in Sarawak is NOTHING like Harvard :P
(tho, not all Harvard grads look like the girl abovela. some look like this idiot- )
(pic credit to Sonia Yeow, tx!) After the event at Jalan Bangkung Malaysia Day event (thanks so much for those of you who attended my little talk!), I went to the Sape show at Central Market (pic credits to MilleMeow) :

The performers and this lawyer below regaled us with sad tales of exploitation and penindasan of the highest order in Sarawak. Heartbreaking stories :(
How can anyone trust a party whose people say “beware new ideas and changes” ??
All I can say is:
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.

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