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Thursday 2 September 2010

KJ vs Namewee: Who made M'sia rich? - Malaysiakini

your say'One wrong should not be reciprocated with another wrong. What Namewee insinuated is indeed wrong. But then look at Umno's track record...'
KJ nails down contentious line in Namewee's song

Singa Pura Pura: With respect to Khairy Jamaluddin, there was no underlying link or connection as between "Dia suruh orang Cina semua balik Cina" and "Siapa buat Malaysia kaya?" An attempt to connect the two statements and imply a seditious tendency therefrom is either misconceived or curiously explorative.

The two statements were disjunctive and should be taken as such. The video was vulgar, even obscene, but not seditious. The second statement was merely the maker's view or opinion based on his perception of observable facts. It was an open question which was not even answered but left to the judgement of the audience.

The original assertion repeated in the first statement, if it were indeed made, should be investigated under section 3(b) of the Sedition Act 1948 for exciting the inhabitants to attempt to procure the alteration of any matter as by law established (citizenship by operation of law) or section 3(e) for promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between the different races of Malaysia.

Habib RAK: I agree that one wrong should not be reciprocated with another wrong. What Namewee insinuated is indeed wrong. But then look at Umno's track record. The 'pendatang' remarks by Ahmad Ismail from Penang and PM's aide Nasir Safar, the various racist courses in BTN, the Malay headmistress from Johor, the Malay headmaster from Kedah, Perkasa and many more examples.

All these preceding events had influenced Namewee to bring out the obvious. Had the issue been nipped in the bud, surely Namewee would have no basis for his satire. All the same, let this be a lesson to Umno. If Namewee is severely punished, it will set the bar for everybody else. So go ahead and charge him and let the trial begin so that all the rakyat can judge.

Joker: Khairy, if you are really being that particular and want to show your assertions are backed by evidence, why don't you take one more step to ascertain whether or not Chinese really contributed more in economic terms to Malaysian prosperity.

Why not disclose how many percent of income tax is collected from Chinese Malaysians since Merdeka until now? If it is proven that the Chinese contributed more than 50 percent, then does that not make your own statement false?

Furthermore, I find your insinuation that Namewee's verse meant what you said it meant. Namewee asked, "Don't you know who made Malaysia rich?" The answer? ALL Malaysians contributed, not just the Malays. It is the principal who was being racist by asking the Chinese to go back to China and it was she who implied the Chinese were not needed in Malaysia and did not contribute to Malaysia.

Dingy: Namewee's song is subject to the interpretation. What Siti Inshah Mansor said was very clear otherwise it wouldn't be an issue. Being the school principal and a teacher, her action cannot be forgiven. Police interrogated Namewee for sedition but Siti Inshah was merely transferred to another department. There is no justice here.

Charge both for sedition and let the court decide. If Namewee is sent to jail, the rakyat expect the same for Siti Inshah, if not at least get the sack to stop racism among teachers.

Lonestar: KJ said: "But let there be no doubt, Namewee's insinuation that the Chinese are solely responsible for this country's growth is just as blatantly offensive."

Dr Mahathir Mohamad said: "The Chinese contribute 90 percent of the taxes in this country."

Namewee rapped: "You tak baca? Siapa buat Malaysia kaya?" (Don't you know? Who made Malaysia prosperous?)

The keyword is "solely". Did Namewee said that or is KJ putting the word into Namewee's mouth?

Al: So when right-wing Umno and Perkasa say Malays are languishing in economic obscurity behind the 'pendatang' races especially those villainous Chinese, it's okay. When a Chinese guy comes out and says, "Damn right, we're the ones making the money!", suddenly it's not okay. Both are perpetuating the same politically incorrect myth.

Nik V: I would have argued exactly on the same platform as Khairy. But the difference between Khairy and me is he is part of what many in other parts of the world would call the equivalent to a white supremacist party like KKK.

Prove your loyalty. Leave Umno-MCA-MIC-BN. It's because of people like you that racism continues to rear its ugly head. Fifty years of racist parties like the one you are in is the reason Malaysia is going down this horrible road. Be a hero and maybe the new Abraham Lincoln that Malaysia so badly needs and do the right thing.

No religion or right-minded person condones anything that is being done by BN. Otherwise, your words are no better than that of a hypocrite.

Karma: How about Utusan Malaysia and Nasir Safar and the many National Service camp trainers who were let off for uttering racist remarks? This Namewee's video is the result of double standard by the government in clamping down on these racists and extremists.

Till today, how many people were punished? How many people in Utusan Malaysia were called up and their publication licence threatened? None.

Anonymous: KJ, keep this up and instigate the non-Malays. Call them whatever name you Umno Malays want but don't you realise the ultimate end to all these will be the destruction of the nation? You will have extremists from both sides trying to outdo the others and the end result will be civil war between the Umno Malays and the others which Utusan Malaysia predicts.

The non-Malays only want equal rights to live in Malaysia as they are also born and bred in Malaysia. This is the only home they have but if push comes to shove, they will fight back, be it peacefully or violently. Do you think the Umnoputras will give a damn if a civil war breaks out? The first thing they will do is to send their immediate families safely overseas.

Arrest all those who gives seditious speeches, be it the ex-PM's aide, politicians, civil servants or the ordinary people. If the Najib Razak government do not act now to stop these racists, I dread to see the country's outcome in the near future. Allah, please bless Malaysia!

Chuath: KJ may be right because that contentious line could have been ambiguous. Perhaps it would have been better to do a check list with questions like - who worked on the plantations such as tapping rubber trees? who mined the tin? who built the railways? who built the roads? who built the banks? etc, before anyone asks anybody to go home whether its Indonesia, China or India.

Anyway, public servants including teachers should not ask any group of taxpayers to go home because the taxpayers are ultimately their employers.

Swipenter: Umno interprets everything whichever way they like. Look at our history books and see "minimal role" the non-Malays fought for Merdeka and the contributions in building and developing the country. Isn't that "explicitly insulting" when this community is essentially told they played a minimal role in the country's struggle for merdeka and progress.

Temenggong: KJ, Namewee just made an academic error. He is not a scholar. It was the Indians who opened up Malaya from 1816 onwards that made it possible for large-scale migration of first Chinese, then Indonesians and Indians in a second wave, into Malaya, hitherto an uninhabited jungle whose population was less than an estimated 55,000.

So who made Malaya prosperous is open to debate, but it is surely not the Indonesian immigrants. The British had the vision though!

Geronimo: Khairy, all along the non-Malays have been telling the likes of you that we have been victimised. Even Mahathir said so. But you guys in Umno told us to go and stuff it and as a consequence, the 2008 GE more or less told you we have enough of Umno's arrogance.
In fact, we felt Umno would have learned something after the 12th GE and change for the better by giving the non-Malays a fair shake, but no, race relations started to deteriorate even further and as the 13th GE draws near, the momentum seems to be picking up steam.

So you said you are "against extremism, dis-empathy, insensitivity and racism of any kind". Fine, but tell us since the Ahmad Ismail 'pendatang' episode, how many of been charged for sedition? None. Why? Because they are all Malays?
Even that woman who compared Indians to snakes is now an Adun (state representative) in the Perak assembly. With all these, Namewee's video - crude as it may - merely manifested our deep-seeded frustration that have been bothering us for years.

My advice to you, Khairy, is to tell those fella in Umno to cease and desist. If Umno want to earn the respect of Malaysians again, they have to be seen to be fair and treat all Malaysians alike, be it reward or punishment.

Charging Namewee for sedition is not going to solve the problem as it will only erode your vote bank further. He may just be an ordinary local entertainer but he has the Generation Y behind him who can bring you fellas down via the ballot box. Just think about it.

Relak Aje: Overt insinuation? Implication? Why the need to rack your brains so hard, KJ? What Siti Inshah uttered was as clear as daylight. No interpretation or dissection required for anyone to understand. Her utterances were, for all intents and purposes, deliberate, wilful and calculated.

And you expect her targeted audience to remain docile? The non-Malays, and Namewee alike, are not being too sensitive either.

Mohd Hazwan: Come on, Khairy wake up. There are contentious lines in every song. What about Bob Dylan's 'Times they're a changin''. Wasalam.

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