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Thursday 26 August 2010

Perkasa boss: Joy in Umno if 'psycho' Khairy quits

By G Vinod - Free Malaysia Today
PETALING JAYA: Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali has unleashed a vitriolic attack on Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, saying the latter's exit from Umno would not be a solemn affair.
In a SMS to FMT, the Pasir Mas MP said he also suspects that the Oxford-trained Khairy was suffering from a psychological disorder (sakit jiwa).
“Perhaps Khairy is too disappointed that he was overlooked for a cabinet position, he is now venting out his frustration on Perkasa,” he added.
Ibrahim was responding to the Umno Youth chief's remark at a forum yesterday that he would leave the party if the majority of its members supported Perkasa.
He said this after PAS' Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, who was also present, accused Umno of working “hand in glove” with Perkasa.
'Spewing nonsense'
Continuing his tirade, Ibrahim said the majority of Umno members would be delighted if Khairy left the party because he was one of the reasons why Barisan Nasional fared poorly in the last polls.
“When his father-in-law (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) was prime minister, the famed fourth-floor boys led by Khairy at the Prime Minister's Department caused BN to lose much of its prized seats in the 12th general election.
“In my view, the majority of Umno members will be happy if he leaves. Now that his father-in-law is no longer PM, Khairy has lost his fangs and is spewing nonsense for no reason,” he added.
Previously, Khairy and Ibrahim locked horns over the latter's call to have Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong arrested under the Internal Security Act.
Perkasa was livid with Wee, who is the MCA Youth chief, for asking the government if it would abolish the exclusively Malay Mara scholarships since it planned to scrap the Public Service Department overseas scholarships.
In the ensuing tit-for-tat, Khairy had labelled Ibrahim a “jaguh kampung” (village hero).

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