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Saturday 19 June 2010

UMNO denies handicapped M. Devakaraj (11) welfare help for 11 years

Url umno denies
Devakaraj was paralysed since birth (See SH 6/6/10 at page S20). But in the last eleven years the UMNO, JKKK, Welfare and other departments never saw Devakaraj because UMNO’s One Malay-sia is “colour blind”.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Indian poor denied any UMNO led government help at all. At best they will get some token ‘kacang putih” help by UMNO’s MIC and PPP Indian mandores, which act has now been franchised and ably aped by the PKR, DAP and PAS Indian mandores franchisees’.
HRP’s Project 15/38 is the only forward.
S. Jayathas
Umno denies

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