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Tuesday 8 June 2010

Tamil daily links GAS with 'The Star', MCA and Dr Chua

PETALING JAYA: "Today, they say Umno is behind GAS. Tomorrow, they will say MCA is behind GAS. I won't be surprised if soon they say even Obama is behind GAS!"

These were the words that sacked MIC deputy chief and mastermind behind the Anti Samy Vellu Movement (GAS), V. Mugilan, told The Malay Mail two weeks ago.

Yesterday, his words rang true when Tamil Nesan, owned by MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, carried a front-page story alleging the MCA, its newspaper, The Star and its president, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek were the forces behind GAS.

Tamil Nesan reported The Star always carried news favouring MIC and its programmes, but now, news about GAS were hogging its pages.

The daily also accused Dr Chua of fuelling the GAS movement to turn public attention from his party's internal problems.

Mugilan denied the MCA "link" behind the movement aimed at pressuring Samy Vellu, who has been president for 31 years, to resign.

"This is absurd! Samy Vellu is being over-pressured and he simply does not know what to do," he told The Malay Mail this morning.

"Samy Vellu and his cronies have taken to playing the blame game. As it is, we have no sufficient funds to host GAS' activities. If their claims the MCA and Dr Chua are behind us are true, we would have spent lavishly."

He said Dr Chua should not have been dragged in as the issue was not between MIC and MCA.

"Dr Chua was chosen by MCA's delegates. They are not stupid. They are more open minded and that was why Dr Chua was chosen as president.

"They are exactly like the Americans who voted Obama as their first black president, which I consider as the eighth wonder of the world. They are open to change."

On reports that MIC would launch a counter-attack on MCA and Dr Chua by boycotting The Star, Mugilan said this would be difficult.

"Samy Vellu and his cronies previously called on people to boycott Makkal Osai but people still bought the paper. Now, they want people to boycott The Star.

"Do you think people will listen to them this time around? It is very childish to counter-attack with negative news on MCA and Dr Chua."

He said there was no way Tamil Nesan, with a circulation of 5,000, could fight a "giant" like The Star. The media's role, he said, is to report without bias.

"The Star did not report the GAS issue alone. There were also stories about Samy Vellu and his response. That is fair enough. The media has done their job. Now, let the people decide on who they choose to believe."

MIC central working committee member S. Vell Paari recently alleged that Umno was behind GAS and that the party had employed political assassins to get rid of his father, Samy Vellu.

Umno leaders had rubbished claims of the link and Vell Paari subsequently apologised, saying it was clear that the party was not involved with GAS.

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