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Thursday 8 April 2010

Najib: I’m a self-sacrificing, maverick reformist. nat: *chokes blood*

By Nathaniel Tan,


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed tonight that he has put his political career on the line by committing to purging rent-seeking and patronage politics in Malaysia’s economy.

He said this is because those who benefit from these practices are powerful and politically connected, and he hinted that they could even exert their influence in Umno, the party of which he is president.

Najib, who has made needs-based instead of race-based affirmative action an important plank of his administration, said that his approach has put him in a “dangerous” position.

Wah!!! So noble ar?!?!

My goodness, be careful you don’t pengsan from being overwhelmed by our PM’s sacrifice and goodness :P

Haiyo, have you ever heard anyone tok so much kok before?

Firstly, don’t pretendla – everyone knows that without Pakatan’s victory, we’d still be talking NEP – not “NEM”.

My favourite part is this: Najib talks as if he is some outsider reformist, who has come out from the wilderness, as innocent and untainted as a saint, to bring Obama-esque change and purity to a tainted system.

Tokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kok lah!

Najib is the epitome of the establishment. His trying to paint himself as anti-establishment reformist makes me want to choke blood.

How could anyone believe that Najib – a man who *IS* the very definition of patronage, rent-seeking, and vested interests – might possibly be serious about reform?

The man who was once Malaysia’s youngest MP and son of a PM trying to sound like he’s fighting those with “political connections”? The man whose hands are so sullied with multi billion submarine and fighter jet deals now wants to talk about fighting corruption? The man who once threatened to bathe his keris in Chinese blood is now all 1Malaysia? Pooooodah!

I mean, this is quality APCO spin-doctoring, but even the best spin doctors in the world cannot hide the truth.

That truth is that Najib – almost more than anyone alive – is not only one and the same with the party he is now pretending to distance himself from; he – having stuck with Umno through thick and (the rare) thin – bears more responsibility than almost anyone else for making it what it is, and propagating the culture he so ‘boldly’ now speaks out against.

I have 2.5 simple words for our PM: Don’t blufflah!!

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