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Friday 27 November 2009


In the Hindraf gathering in Klang on the 25th of November many hopeful Indians were gathered to hear their leaders speak. But they were disappointed. This was a gathering organized not to promote the agenda of the Indian poor but to promote the agenda of the Special branch of the Malaysian Police.

Vasanthakumar, presents himself to be a leader for the Indians. What he did that evening however projected a very different picture. Let me quote from The Malaysian Insider ““We the people are united in our grievances but they our leaders are divided and ready to kill each other,” said retired rubber tapper Palanisamy Perumal, 65, as he boarded the bus for the long, overnight journey back to his estate in Kedah.”I am disappointed,” he said with a sad smile.” This is after the speeches by Vasanthakumar and by Ganabatirau.

Is this the mindset any leader worth his salt wants in his people? He could have been a little more imaginative in this portrayal. He could have been a little more magnanimous, he could have been a little more regal. Instead he chose to be slanderous, he chose to be untruthful, he chose to dishonor his audience by hitting out in crass terms at their idols. This is not, what the people had come there for.

In my opinion it is not as if Vasanthakumar did this unknowingly. He did this with full knowledge and with a very clear purpose. His purpose is to sow the seed of confusion. You saw the confusion in the remarks by Palanisamy. Someone who uses a public forum not to educate the people about their lost rights, not to create awareness for their redemption, but to smear, to pour venom can only mean to mislead and to confuse.

If Vasanthakumar were truly interested in improving the lot of Indian poor, as the leader he portrays himself to be should be targeting those who are responsible for the predicament of the Indian poor, UMNO, period. But looking at his ludicrous outbursts at the gathering in Dewan Hamzah, I can only surmise that his real agenda is not improving the lot of the Indian poor which is the raisond’etre for Hindraf BUT TO SERVE HIS BENEFACTOR THE SPECIAL BRANCH OF THE POLICE BY CAUSING CONFUSION AMONG THE SUPPORTERS OF HINDRAF .

It is a known tactic by the Special Branch as part of its psychological warfare to cause confusion. Vasanthakumar is doing it par excellence for his benefactors. Good try my boy, Vasanthakumar.

I am surprised and I am sorry that Anwar chose to buy himself a Special Branch Agent in Vasanthakumar the “Hindrafian”. Anwar has been making many blunders lately. This is yet another. Anwar must either be desperate or he is terribly misinformed. In any case this is now going to set him back significantly – just wait and watch. This is a self goal. UMNO has just slid in the knife and it cuts all ways. Better than even with the MMSP ploy.
In the meantime, Vasanthakumar keep up your Special Role for the Special Branch.

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