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Sunday 22 November 2009

HRP: Kapitan Guan Eng’s Indian Mandore DCM2 Penang gives peanuts RM 1,000.00 to one poor Indian squatter family.

HRP: Kapitan Guan Eng’s Indian Mandore DCM2 Penang gives peanuts RM 1,000.00 to one poor Indian squatter family. (Makkal Osai 21/11/09 at page 4) Kapitan Lim Guan Eng demolished the last and only Indian traditional village in Penang. This kapitan despite the Indian anger ruthlessly proceeded to demolish even the cow sheds which is on the state government land on the eve of Deepavali.

Now this Kapitan literally instructs his Indian DCM2 mandore to dish out RM 2,000.00 to these two poor Indian families and get it publicized in the tamil newspapers and then washes his hands off as was typically done by his UMNO’S MIC mandore predecessors.

This way he thinks he gets to stay afloat and trying to remain relevant politically. There is no permanent solution no low cost house or flats for these poor Indian families in this Kampong Manis Seberang Perai and the thousands of other Indians in Penang.

How then is the DAP/PR any different from the previous Gerakan/ UMNO/ BN Penang State Government?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the writer is asking too much you expect the cm to spoonfeed the indians at the expense of all penangnite. comparing to the bn 52 yrs of power what have they done to improve the indian welfares as to compare to pr just less the 2 yrs in power.moreover it is a state gov, limited power so be considerate