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Friday 21 August 2009

Teoh Beng Hock Mystery Letter: Who is Hishamuddin Hashim?

by Nathaniel Tan

pre-script: I have no idea who torched the MACC premises in Klang, but whoever did it was evil and clearly misguided. Violence is never the answer!

Goodness. Pretty explosive stuff.

So, caveats: I don’t know how authentic the letter is, and I generally put less faith in unsigned documents.

So the rest of this post proceeds with a gigantic IF. IF the things said in the letter are true:

Well, it seems to me consistent with a lot of facts. There has long been talk of a a concerted campaign to destabilise Pakatan state governments.

We’ve seen clearly how the ACA/MACC started the trouble in Perak (our two friends who were in such hot soup before now appear to be completely innocent, conveniently), and the type of disproportionate intimidation the Selangor government has faced from the MACC would fit all the facts.

IF the contents of the letter regarding Khir Toyo are true, it’d hardly be surprising. He is after all, a politician with nothing on his hands but free time, a humiliating defeat, and promises that the Selangor government will fall by September.

There’s a lot of spicy stuff in there (khalwat and all), but those aren’t the core issues.

IF the letter and its contents are authentic (and I’ll admit for now it’s a sizeable IF), then there are immensely genuine concerns about:

- the fact that this Hishammudin Hashim guy is running every Selangor probe, but doesn’t want to be tied to any of the cases?

- what’s up with this strange refusal to give a sample of his DNA in public?

- wiping off fingerprints??

- his meteoric rise through the civil service ranks

- his involvement (or ‘lack’ thereof) in investigations into Khir Toyo

- these strange assets he owns that he probably shouldn’t be able to afford

Too many questions, not enough answers.

So, doesn’t look like there’s much info on this fellow Hishammudin. But if anyone has any insight, we’re all ears.

Let’s stay vigilant on this one - could be a really important piece in the puzzle.


Anonymous said...

Yes, please stick to facts, do not be side track as to who wrote the letter, ( orang dalam mesti takut to put their names, knowing that they are writing about their superior , remember he is no 2, right ?) or his khalwat case and any other trival matter.

Just investigate relevant facts Mr policeman.



Anonymous said...

dear all,

regarding this so called 'mystery letter', does anyone have ever question why if it is from macc personnel who if possible don't want anyone to know his or her identity gave away a sneak peek of his identity that he is working with the macc by using a macc letterhead.that is the stupidest gave away evidence, might as well write down the writer's name and sign the letter. and this population that crave for conspiracy theories just acknowledge this 'mystery letter'

Anonymous said...

This is a comment from deep throat on Dr. Rafick's right2write blog:

Inside sources. Hishamuddin and Khir Toyo were school mates, Khir being a year or two. Of course Khir approved Hisham’s application for a plot of land in Shah Alam.

Hisham has strong cable with Macc Hq notably with Ahmad Said, the Macc Chief and Ahmad Said in turn is a running boy of Nazri Aziz. For the first time in the history of the ACA/MACC, a Minister seems to be talking on behalf of Macc. It never happens bf as the ACA/MAcc is supposed to be independent.

Khir with the help of Hisham and the blessing of the top leadership wanted to topple S’gor PR gov’t. Hisham can’t do it without the approval of the Selangor Macc Head. So Hisham instigated his Boss removal and Ahmad Said sent a weak officer, Jaafar Mahat to head the Macc.

Soon after, the blitz on the PR gov’t by Selangor Macc begins. Hisham was in full control with the approval of Ahmad Said, another corrupt ACA/Macc officer.

Raffick, you take over and complete the story.