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Tuesday 18 August 2009

'Hindraf needs support from non-Indians too'

Comments from Malaysiakini

'Hindraf cannot become a third force through Paham based on Indian votes only, this is P Uthayakumar's biggest illusion.'

On Hindraf still a force for Indians, says Waytha

Keen: P Waythamoorthy should learn from the Kg Buah Pala issue. Don't attack Pakatan Rakyat or you lose all your friends. Hindraf cannot become a third force through Paham based on Indian votes only, this is P Uthayakumar's biggest illusion. Asking Indians to uproot and relocate to form Indian majority seats is not realistic.

It's no longer politically acceptable for the government to put non-terrorists under ISA so what is stopping Waytha from coming back? If he lacks the courage despite the minimal risk, don't expect me to sympathise with his living conditions in London. By the way, Athi Shankar should be ashamed of himself for putting out a propaganda piece for Hindraf as a prime example of gutter journalism.

D_Czarr: I suggest readers read the full interview before making conclusions. I hope Pakatan leaders can now see who their true friends are. A true friend will never clap and say right when it's wrong. Hindraf is a true friend but if DAP supporters cant understand this its their loss.

Raveendran Shanmugam:
Athi, don't worry about what you wrote on Waytha. The fellows are racist and they refuse to understand the truth. They may soon say you are collaborating with Hindraf. These jokers should read the full interview that is published. Hindraf has remained at its original course - to be apolitical. One has to admire their courage to call a spade a spade even if it means hurting your friends.

Read the interview carefully - Waytha is clearly saying they are with Pakatan and have made intelligent and frank comments on how they could work together. Intelligent Pakatan leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Anwar Ibrahim would understand what he means.

Ong: Hindraf may have been a positive force initially, but unfortunately early success got to their heads and they became arrogant and they are now a negative force sowing unnecessary discord. They became so arrogant and self-righteous that they think they can overrule the courts and state governments.

Thinking became fuzzy and could not tell the difference between illegal and improper alienation of state land despite being lawyers. They misled the KBP (Kampung Buah Pala) villagers into rejecting the unprecedented offer of a terrace house each. Will they repent for causing the KBP villagers' loss? Not likely.

Antares: It's obvious that criminal fraud has been perpetrated on the residents of Kg Buah Pala by members of the KTK (Koh Tsu Koon) state government affiliated to Nusmetro Ventures. LGE (Lim Guan Eng)'s attempts to resolve the issue appear to have been hampered by factionalism amongst the Kg Buah Pala villagers - some of whom may have covert links to MIC (disguised as Hindraf).

In effect, this messy drama strikes me as another attempt by BN to destabilise Pakatan whilst deflecting attention from the original land fraud. From what I see, Kg Buah Pala is a charming and unique spot which deserves to be preserved as a heritage site. Modern high-rise developments are a dime-a-dozen and Penang doesn't need more of these ugly urban projects cluttering its scenic skyline.

Save your wrath for Umno/BN, folks, instead of threatening LGE and DAP who are only trying to offer us more open and responsive government. Any errors they make are peanuts compared to BN's massive crimes!

Louis: I understand that the developers are giving a house to those who had left last year with some monetary compensation. The developers should be commended for that. My suggestion is that they give the same amount of money to those who had just accepted the house offer.

For those who miss the dateline, no house should be given at all. Let them go and demand from Hindraf or MIC or anyone who think that they can bargain for more. Maybe MIC with a ready cash of RM3.2 million can build each of them a bungalow in Penang.

Peter Yeong:
To those who are too emotional and communal in their comments, please think and comment rationally. Those who felt that the present state government is not doing enough should ask themselves whether the people of Kg Buah Pala had a better deal from the previous government?

There are only that much the present government can do legally and financially with their limited resources. The bottom line is that BN treated the people of Kg Buah Pala just as squatters. LGE is trying to get a better deal for them. Period.

1 comment:

Cryingvoices said...

This is just the comments and ideas from people, its just a perception. study the real story and judge gentlemans. Thank you