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Thursday 30 April 2009

Zambry digs himself into a deeper and deeper hole

Criticising Zambry is a little like shooting fish in barrel. Sometimes it seems too easy, almost boring.

But I do believe it is imperative for the rakyat to keep up the pressure on this man - a man who is as much a democratically legitimate MB as he is a world class soccer player (I still can’t get over “Pangkor Pele,” what a joke!).

The point we should repeat ad infinitum, ad nauseam if necessary, is that if the only thing Zambry can and should do for the people of Perak is to give them the right to choose their own leader.

Failing which, he remains an usurper, and a coward - fair game for having idiotic statements such as below torn apart.

Since he said so many, we’ll have to go chronologically, starting from yesterday’s interview.

That is my biggest worry. We are the new and young generation, we are very much trying to minimise ethnic- based or race-based politics and parochial thinking. I have been trying to project the image of being more embracing.

When Umno comes to stand for United Malaysians National Organisation, baru aku percaya. Jika tak… podah!

On Bkt Gantang:

You may say that (my position) has worsened, but you can’t deny that we have also gained (more support in terms of the percentage of votes). They said we got more than 55 percent, some said it was 57 percent, some even said we got 63 percent.

I really haven’t the faintest clue what he’s talking about. Won 63% of the vote, but…. lost the election? What does he think this is? The US electoral college?

Or is he just talking about the Malay vote? Hmm, that seems to run counter to the prior quote no?

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