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Monday 2 March 2009

Peaceful Malaysians lodging police report met with violence and chemical water cannons

I am angry and dismayed again at the treatment Uthayakumar’s supporters got at Brickfield’s yesterday.

Will it always be the case that when those who BN doesn’t like come to make police reports, we are going to be chemical water cannoned?

Don’t the police ever learn that no recent gathering in Malaysia has broken out into spontaneous violence or unruly behaviour. Or perhaps, is it their ridiculous pride or trigger happy nervousness that gets intimidated too easily by peaceful gatherings?

That’s one thing. The other is: why is it so frikkin’ hard to get Uthayakumar some decent medical attention?

Is the government trying to punish the whole Indian community by denying one man proper medical attention and literally letting him rot?

Give the man the treatment he needs (and of course, release or charge him and all his fellow inmates), and what need is there to protest?


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