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Tuesday 24 March 2009

Bukit Selambau ceramah attacked with tear gas and water cannons; an era of repression is upon us

What on earth is going on?

Quite frankly, I’m surprised at the amount of repressive measures, all lumped in one day.

First we have the outlawing of Suara Keadilan and Harakah, at oh so convenient timing, and now, I’m informed that tonight’s ceramah (5,000 strong, with women and children in attendance) at Bukit Selambau was attacked by the FRU and their unholy tear gas and water cannons.

Wtf? This is almost a first. Night time ceramahs have very seldom been fired on. What’s going on?

I know many would scoff when I say that the powers that be (incoming more likely than outgoing) can’t possibly be so stupid as to think that these kinds of brutal repression will help their chances in the 3 by-elections?

Exactly what is the tone being set, what is the message?

Behold our might? Cower before our strength?

I suppose there is a small chance someone out there stupidly believes that this will make people tremble in fear and somehow allow Najib to rule on.

And yet, all evidence points to the contrary. They fired on the Bersih and Hindraf rallies, they shut down opposition ceramahs all over the place, they outlawed our publications, and continuously tried to peddle lies in their media.

Where did this get them?

The loss of 5 states and their precious two thirds majority.

I used to tell people that Najib is a little too soft for all out iron fist repression. I must say, I am ever so slowly being persuaded otherwise. We’ll see what that ass of a presumptive PM has to say about it tomorrow (’the police must do their job, illegal illegal gathering!’?). I guess Abdullah is just going to leave the rest of us to this wretched fate.

If they really want to come down hard, we’ll have to prepare for the worst. But I assure you, the rakyat - you and me - will not be backing down.

You can take your tear gas and your suspensions and shove them. We will defend what belongs to the rakyat, and we will defend what is right. Lawan tetap lawan!

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