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Thursday 1 January 2009

Malaysia ushers in a new year filled with uncertainty


Fireworks explode above George Town at the stroke of midnight and illuminate the sea around the island - Photos taken from mainland Penang


Malaysians are ushering New Year tonight, making the most of the start of what will be a difficult year ahead. Jobs are likely to be lost as the economy slows or even sinks into a recession. In the meantime, we are entering an equally uncertain period of political transition.

Still, amidst all the gloom, perhaps it would not be too much to hope that we can come up with creative, sustainable solutions to empower workers and marginalised communities and to transform the economy, promoting social justice and self-sufficiency while protecting the environment.I wish all of you a very happy new year and peace and blessings in the coming year. I know you may not always agree with me but I hope this blog encourages a rational discussion of the issues that matter and we can continue to learn from one another despite our differences of opinion.

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