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Thursday 22 January 2009

HINDRAF – Stop the crucifixion of Malaysian Indian

22 years old Kugan a/l Ananthan proclaimed dead after being in custody in Police Station (Balai Polis) - Subang Jaya. What is happening to the Malaysian Indians? Why don’t the UMNO led government just arrest and kill us all as the NAZI’s did in the holocaust once for all as we as the thirds class citizen and are such a sore eye to you. Look at his injuries suffered in the police station at Look at the main media spinmaster at New Straits Times that can claim that a 22 year old man can die all of a sudden within 5 days being in police custody. Such atrocities prevail in this modern time for the unwanted Malaysian Indians we are. Does humanity chooses its color, race, religion or are we going to wait for the tailored version post mortem by the UMNO led government to dictate on what actually happened through its spinmasters?

Aren’t we not deserving human to enjoy the same rule of law and constitutional right to life amongst other Malaysians but rather treated as animals and slave?

Why the rule of law, constitutional rights of being a Malaysian takes a back step when it involves a Malaysian Indian? What have we done to deserve such treatment when our forefathers had toiled for the progress and benefit of the nation?

The recent case of Prabakaran’s permanent bodily harm inflicted by the police force has not even settled and we have a dead body of a Malaysian Indian in the police station.

As for the missing Solomon the other who was arrested seems to be out of radar. Is he going to end up as another dead body? The police force has neither released him nor confirmed his whereabouts until today. There is clearly no transparency or accountability by the police force on his matter.

The abuses and human right violations that are perpetrated either in the police stations or outside the police station seems endless without regard to the rule of law and the constitution.

The UMNO led government seems to be providing the protection to the police force in their modus operandi in marauding the public as and how they wish. This is clearly an indication of a police state that is against the principal of democracy in fairness and justice and above all total annihilation of the Malaysian Indians.

Thank you.

P. Waytha Moorthy

Hindraf- Chairman

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