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Wednesday 28 January 2009

Funeral Procession Not a Political Rally.

The statement by the CPO of Selangor Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar concerning the funeral procesion on wed 28 jan 2009 is another abuse of authority by the police calculated to intimidate and dissuade the Malaysian Public from attending the funeral of A.Kugan and to turn the tide of Public Opinion against Police Brutality.

The CPO has a history of distorting and covering up the truth.

In this instance he has gone further to demonise the victim and all Malaysians who wish to see him off in his final journey.

He fails to see the fact that if the police had acted proffessionaly, there would not have been a funeral in the first place.

If the police have a concsience and wish to atone for the sins of their collegues, the least they could do is to ensure the funeral proceeds smoothly without interference by any quarters

The government of the day should be sensitive to aggrieved parties and give them the public space to express their legitimate grievances.

Too many deaths in custody have taken place because the culprits have got away scot- free and the public has largely been complacent.

In this instance, the public sentiment could well see the implementation of concrete measures to put a stop to such atrocities.

Therefore the public not only have a right but a civic duty to attend the funeral and express their empathy for the family and their indignation at such abuses.

Any attempt by the Police to disrupt the peaceful funeral on whatever pretext would only further erode their credibility and that of the ruling government.

Therefore I implore the police to cease and desist from intimidating and provoking peace loving Malaysians who turn up to mourn the death in custody of Kugan.

His family has been put through enough trauma.

I wish to emphasise that the Funeral procession tomorrow will be a peaceful and solemn event in accordance with Hindu Rites and Rituals. The public should not be cowed by irresponsible statements made in the name of "public order", lest the death of Kugan be in vain.

Therefore ALL MALAYSIANS irrespective of Race, Religion or Creed are invited to pay their last respects to this young man at 2pm on Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009 at the Mortuary of the University Hospital and onward to the cemetry in 14th mile Puchong Road.

May his soul rest in peace. OM SHANTI.


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