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Monday 10 November 2008

Unlawful arrest of Bersih protesters

Press Statement

Re: Unlawful arrest of Bersih Peaceful Protesters

The latest arrest of those civic conscious public for attending a candlelight vigil to release all ISA detainees is another attempt by the UMNO led government who are currently operating in a modus operandi similar to a loose canon.

Currently in Malaysia, it is law of jungle that prevails as oppose to law of the nation for the public as arrogant and powerful self serving individual UMNO leaders continue to abuse the operation of law and the public to serve their own agenda.

The act of instilling fear and intimidation instigated by the UMNO led government is wearing out as the Malaysian public thirst in voicing their frustration against an authoritarian government is increasing in triple fold as the public embraces the idea that a concept of a free human being enjoying freedom from fear and intimidation can only be achieved and created if the change is initiated whereby everyone may enjoy his/her economic, social and cultural rights as well as his/her civil and political right.

The public's quest for truth, reality and freedom is in everyone and these self serving UMNO leaders cannot kill that spirit with their arrogance, fear and intimidation to silence the liberated Malaysian public.

Waytha Moorthy

Hindraf- Chairman

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