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Friday 17 October 2008

Scaredy Cops

I could hardly believe my eyes when I read today's the Star online's report, here, that a police beat base in the Chow Kit area of downtown Kuala Lumpur was closed down because it was in a location that was considered unsafe, said Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar.

In a written reply in parliament to Dr Lo’ Lo’ of PAS, Syed Hamid said the beat base was located in a "dirty" area where there was a possibility of being exposed to contagious diseases. " The presence of criminals also posed a threat to the safety of police officers," he said.


Dr Mohd Hatta of PAS then suggested that Syed Hamid resign "if he is worried about the safety of police in that area. Maybe it would be better to put the beat base in army barracks,” he said. “The police are there to make a place safe. If they themselves are scared and run away, then how can we hope for others to want to be there?"

He adds, “And what is this about contagious diseases on Jalan Haji Taib? The only kind of contagious diseases that are present there are sexually-transmitted ones. Is the minister scared that his charges will contract such diseases?"

He probably never heard of "safe sex" either.

Read also my friend Shar101's take on this, here.

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