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Monday 13 October 2008

Samy Vellu faces calls for him to step down as party chief

NST, Sunday, October 12 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: With the recent announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that he is not seeking re-election in party polls and is stepping down in March, the attention now has shifted to the MIC.

Calls for president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu to follow suit are getting louder, with the latest coming from former vice-president Datuk M. Muthuppalaniappan.

He said Samy Vellu should not seek re-election when his term expires in March.

"It may be difficult to give up power after enjoying it for over 30 years. But Samy Vellu should follow the wisdom of other BN leaders who have announced their desire to retire and pave the way for new leaders to take over," he said.

However, Samy Vellu loyalists are sticking with their boss in wanting to see him re-elected.
Youth chief T. Mohan said the MIC needed Samy Vellu's guidance to recover after the March 8 polls.

"He is contributing to the party and is rebuilding it through a re-branding exercise before handing over to the next president."

He said that Muthuppalaniappan's statement was expected as it was widely known that he could not get along with Samy Vellu.

Mohan said it was unfair to ask Samy Vellu to follow Abdullah's footsteps as the scenario in Umno was different from the MIC.

There is also fear that Samy Vellu may pick his own man to take over the leadership.

"If he thrusts his cronies to the leadership, then Samy Vellu will be the shadow president and MIC will continue to remain irrelevant," said Muthuppalaniappan.

Former central working committee member K.P. Samy said an open and free fight should be allowed for the party's top posts.

"It will determine a president of the grassroots' choice, reflect the credibility of the elected president and avoid a shadow leadership."

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