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Friday 26 September 2008


*To Concerned Free Citizens of the World*

This email is to solicit your support to free Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) from the fascist use of the Internal Security Act by the Government of Malaysia. RPK has been thrown into jail without recourse to any legal or judicial review just for being the Conscience of Malaysia speaking out against the abuses of the ruling elites in Malaysia. To help ensure the freedom of citizens globally and help stop fascism act, please do the following:

1. Copy & paste the text into your email

2. Add in the addresses of friends, colleagues and anyone who may want to

assist in the *Cc:* box, use *Bcc: *box for privacy

3. Add in the addresses of any prominent or international bodies or

individuals in the *To:* box

4. *Thank you for your stand to protect freedom in the world.*

This poem extract may help you understand why your participation can benefit

you and your family:

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews ,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a Jew.

*When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.*


An article from an agitated blogger in Malaysia:

"Many Malaysians started their day with the "f*" word in their mouth!

Because justice in Malaysia is dealt another blow by our

"detain-you-for-your-safety" Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar.

This morning Raja Petra Kamarudin, better known as RPK and editor of the

ultra-popular news portal Malaysia-Today, is supposed to have a court

hearing regarding his ISA detention by the police on Sep 12. When he was

detained, Section 73 of ISA was used, which grants power to police officers

for detention, but allows judicial review by the court. The court can

ascertain if the detainee is indeed a threat to national security and

therefore the detention lawful or not.

Came the shocking news to RPK lawyers this morning that the Home Minister

has signed the detention order under Section 8 of ISA, which grants the

minister detention power for up to two years, but does *NOT* allow judicial

review. It means there is no longer ground to review in court if the

detention of RPK is lawful or not.

[ISA, especially with Section 8 provisions, is a law against natural

justice. I have dealt with this point in separate blog posts.]

It now seems to indicate that there was indeed no grounds to detain RPK

under the pretext of national security threat. The minister knew about it,

and was nervous if the court hearing the case would throw out the police

detention order and set RPK free. Hence his intervention at the 11th hour!

What a travesty of justice. Like the prime minister Dollah, if the minister

has got 'ball', let both sides argue it out in court and let justice

prevail, either way. Now we can confirm that "detain-you-for-your-safety"

minister Syed Hamid Albar has got no ball, like his boss Dollah."


The events leading to the unjustified and fascist attempt to silence RPK by

the Government of Malaysia:

1. Raja Petra Kamarudin is a conscientious citizen of Malaysia who set up

the Malaysia Today website

2. RPK contributes articles under the NO HOLDS BARRED column that

expose scandals of the ruling elites in Malaysia, the chronological events

leading to his incarceration in Kamunting camp (similar to Guantanamo Bay Cuba) for an additional 2

years are well documented in his articles.

3. The Government of Malaysia have legally harassed RPK in Malaysian courts

but have been unable to stop him under the legal system

4. The charges of inciting violence trumped up by the Home Minister of

Malaysia is laughable and can not stand up in any fair court of law

5. RPK is a victim of the infighting between the ruling elites of Malaysia

who resorted to an Act used for TERRORISTS to silence him

6. The ISA is an unjust law, can be abused on any Malaysian and victims are


7. Your assistance can help repeal this law, and in doing so, will

ensure YOUR COUNTRY will never formulate and abuse such a law


To: The Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar

The Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi

The Government of Malaysia

As a concerned citizen of the free world, I take exception to your fascist

use of an unjust law to shut up dissent and exposes of the wrong doings in

your Government today. Take notice that I have forwarded this email to

similar citizens of the free world and human rights champions throughout the


A detention order illegally signed without the citizen concerned having any

legal or judicial review is a BLATANT IMMORAL ACT of fascism against a

citizen of your country and is an affront to every free citizen of the

world. My condoning your actions will invite my own government to do the

same and this cannot be accepted for the sake of my family and myself.

*Please free Raja Petra Kamarudin and repeal the Internal Security Act


We will seek to bar Malaysia from ALL international meetings,

Commonwealth and United Nation membership if RPK is not freed and the ISA is

not repealed or amended.

Thank you,

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